Friday 18 February 2011

9 and 1/2 stone!

For the past couple of weeks Ive been hoverin over the 9 1/2 stone mark. I say hovering, as one morning I would be bang on the half stone mark, a couple of days later I'd be a couple of pounds more (even though diet and exercise hadnt altered!)

BUT seems to have leveled out at that half mark now, which is really great as it seems to have been SO much effort to just loose this much weight! Not easy is it guys?!

Of course Ive had a few slip ups, intentional and not - Ive given up bananas, still havnt touched bread or pasta since I started this blog - last week I spent 3 days also cutting out dairy, as I wanted to be unbloated for Valentines day (it worked, but couldnt do it in the long run as I love milky coffee and yoghurt!)

BUT on Valentines day I did join in with a chocolate fondue, with fudge and mini cookies! So I imagine any weight lost during that non dairy, non carbs period was gained in that meal alone!

Im keeping both a meal plan for each week, and a food diary - I find this really helps to really think about what your eating, and also deters you from eating something naughty as you will have to own up to it!

Lots of love and luck - Im going to be stepping up my game to try and loose this last 1/2 stone! J xx

Friday 4 February 2011

3 weeks (ish) in..

Hello! Apologies for non-posting! The untimely death of my laptop was the cause..

SO - been on the low carb bandwagon for a wee while now - Ive finally lost about 4/5 pounds! There has definatley been some cheating going on - totally threw the rules out the window last week I must admit!

BUT Ive been totally carb free (not even low carb) for a whole week now, and Im feeling much better for it!Finally back at uni too, so have been forcing myself to the gym rather than the apparently useless wii fit!

Im finding energy levels are back to 'normal', and Im able to gym for a good hour without my past habit of thinking that I needed something carby to keep me going!

*TIP* I've learned from a wisened low carb blogger recently that bananas really are as bad as bread and pasta :-( I had been having one chopped into my yoghurts for breakfast - and after the last post when I hadnt lost any weight, I sought her out for advise! Coffee with a sugar is really rather naughty too, but I feel when I get to the point of cutting that out, I really am just being rather obsessive!

REALLY interested in anyone elses sucesses (I need motivation!) and tips :-)


Saturday 15 January 2011

A week down the line..

So...Been totally carb free for a week - going well so far as I havnt given in, Im finding that low carb is actually very sustainable and Im hoping to keep this up long term.

I dont think I've actually dropped many pounds yet, which is rather disheartening! Any tips? Im hand on heart not cheating, and im not eating tons to make up for not eating carbs! May try grilling sausages etc rather than frying to cut down on the fat/ calorie intake. Hopefully it'll kick in soon!

Well thats all for now folks! Jxx

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Fab blogs

Ive added some of my fav low carb blogs to this site - find each of them both inspiring and useful! Please feel free to leave me a comment with a link to your blog/ website and Ill put a link to it here!

ALSO - Does anyone have any thoughts on the Wii fit?...Im currently at my parents in the middle of no-where (until my return to Newcastle on Thurs, where Im a member of a gym) - SO until then my only form of exercise, as its persistently snowing, is the Wii fit. I tend to do 1/2 free jogging, boxing, all the muscle work outs and some yoga to cool down (all in all about an hours activity). Any thoughts or tips HUGELY appreciated!

Yours, J :-) xxx

Monday 10 January 2011

The Journy Begins...

Well folks here goes nothing! Im hoping to lose a stone in about 2 months - its not going to be easy but I feel it is necessary for health reasons to get back down to that 9 stone mark! Ive used low carb on short term trials in the past, for slimming down for parties etc, but Im hoping to change my eating patterns for good this time, making low carb a lifestyle choice.

For those of you unsure of the 'LOW CARB' rules, here goes my version of them:

* Pasta
* Pizza
* Rice
*Bread (devils food!)
*Cake/ biscuits/ cookies/ any other piggy food!
*Breakfast cereals

* Eggs
*Meats/ Meat alternatives such as soya & Quorn (NB no sausage rolls/pies etc)
*Veg (careful with root veg..)



Well thats about all I can think of right now - if your interested in joining me that would be fabby! Lets lose the chub once and for all!


J xxx